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Twitter: How to Delete Your Twitter Account | Step-by-step Instructions

Table of Contents What is Twitter? Reasons to Deactivate Twitter How Do I Deactivate my Twitter Account? What is Twitter? Twitter is a free service that allows users to send and read short (up to 280 characters) text messages called ”tweets.” Twitter allows users to create a ”profile” with a picture and short biography. WhileContinue reading "Twitter: How to Delete Your Twitter Account | Step-by-step Instructions"

Reddit: How to Delete Your Reddit Account | Step-by-Step Instructions

What is Reddit? Reddit is an entertainment, social networking service and news website where registered community members can submit content, such as text posts or direct links. Other users then vote the submission ”up” or ”down”, which is used to rank the post and determine its position on the site’s pages and front page. ContentContinue reading "Reddit: How to Delete Your Reddit Account | Step-by-Step Instructions"

LinkedIn: How to Delete Your LinkedIn Account | Step-by-Step Instructions

In this article we’ll cover What LinnkedIn is, Why you might choose to delete your Account, and a Step-by-Step Guide on how to Delete Your LinkedIn Account. What is LinkedIn? LinkedIn is an online and social media platform that serves as a network for professionals. Suggested: Users of LinkedIn can sign up for a freeContinue reading "LinkedIn: How to Delete Your LinkedIn Account | Step-by-Step Instructions"

Pinterest: How to Delete Your Pinterest Account | Step-by-Step Instructions

What is Pinterest? Pinterest is an online image sharing and social media platform where users share ideas and interests. Pinterest is  a digital bulletin board, similar to a scrap book. Users find ideas online and ‘pin’ the images and associated website links to personal boards. In addition to creating personal boards, users can search forContinue reading "Pinterest: How to Delete Your Pinterest Account | Step-by-Step Instructions"
Shield How to Delete Your Quora Account | Step-by-Step Instructions

What is Quora? Quora is a question-and-answer site where questions are asked, answered, and edited by Internet users, either factually or in the form of opinions. Its mission is to ”share and grow the world’s knowledge”. It is a type of crowdsourcing website. The website, founded in 2009, and, as of April 2018, Quora hadContinue reading " How to Delete Your Quora Account | Step-by-Step Instructions"

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